Another updates from W Productions through @wmaverick on Twitter regarding SHINee Fans Meeting Indonesia has been posted this afternoon.
W Production through @wmaverick tweets their lates updates on the plans of SHINee’s Fans Meeting Indonesia:
“Dear Shawols, kita sdh bicarakan dengan SM mengenai FM SHINee. Proposal kita lg dipelajari oleh mereka. Kita lg nunggu balasan dr mereka. Kita minta bantuan ke semua Shawols utk membuat petisi di Facebook mengenai FM SHINee ini, seperti petisi yg dibuat utk SuShow 2 di FB. Biar kita bisa tunjukkan ke SM bahwa di Indo ada banyak Shawols.”
“‘Dear Shawols, we’ve talked to SM about SHINee’s Fans Meeting. And now they’re reviewing our proposal. We’re waiting for they reply now. We are asking all Shawols to help make a petition on Facebook about this SHINee’s Fans Meeting, just like the one we have made for SuShow 2 in Facebook. So that we can show them there are so many Shawols in Indonesia.”
Well..for all Indonesian Shawols, if you want SHINee to come here, do not hesitate to join and sign the petition here:
credits : Korean Updates